Griffon Therapies

Welcome to a private occupational therapy practice where success is our priority!

We address the following occupational therapy areas:

- Fine motor skills
- Visual motor skills 
- Sensory integration and processing
- Primitive reflex integration
- Daily living activities
- Environmental modifications

Griffon Therapies offers flexible scheduling and service locations to meet your needs.


Let work together to reach your goals!

My name is Jen and I am an occupational therapist and owner of Griffon Therapies. I am passionate about helping people, of all ages, engage in daily life activities with enjoyment and success. I will meet everyone with an open mind regarding their needs and concerns, and together, we will create a plan for reaching individual goals. My hope is to step back as progress is achieved, while remaining a reliable support when needed.

Jennifer Sabo-Bunch - OTR/L Therapist

Jen Sabo

Occupational Therapy Services

Fine Motor Skills and Hand Strength

Motor development and strengthening of arms, hands and fingers help children perform activities such as zipping a coat, coloring or writing, and playing with toys. 

Sensory Integration

Play based activities designed to allow children to appropriately register, modulate, and discriminate sensory information. This is the foundation to a child’s ability to attend to tasks, coordinate motor movement, plan and sequence novel tasks, develop social relationships, perform self-care tasks, and participate in family activities. This is also the foundation for a child to sit, attend, and positively participate in a classroom starting at the preschool level.

Visual Motor Integration

Development of visual skills (visual perceptual skills, visual skills, eye-hand coordination) and motor skills (shoulder and core stability, fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination) together to allow children to successfully engage in daily occupations. 

Play and Self-Care Skills

Reinforcement of these skills help to facilitate positive growth and development and promote health and well-being through the stages to independence.

Our Mission

To provide therapeutic services that will strengthen and develop individuals and their support systems, allowing them to reach their fullest potentials throughout life.

Our Vision

Our vision is to welcome everyone to our supportive environment where we can collaborate using evidenced-based therapy to help all individuals reach their fullest potential.

Experience Matters

  1. Masters of Occupational Therapy from Cleveland State University
  2. Bachelors of Science degree from Kent State University
  3. Registered (Certified) and Licensed Occupational Therapist
  4. Completed further education and earned the Ayres Sensory Integration Certification
  5. Experience in school-based settings with preschoolers to young adults
  6. Experience in acute care settings, home health services, and skilled nursing facilities with adults 
  7. Supported children and young adults in engaging outdoor activities
  8. Provided respite care for children in home settings

Griffon Therapies, LLC is a concierge Occupational Therapy practice.
Payment is accepted at the time of service.

Make the first step...